H&M Mini Haul

Hello again!

Yet again, found myself in another shopping centre spending money I dont have ahhh! But can never resist shopping for clothes - plus I dont have many clothes since losing all the weight ( if you dont know about my weight loss you can read about it all HERE )

I'm not a massive fan of H&M. I always seem to go in and come out with nothing which is a shame cause a lot of the time I ask people where they get something from and they say H&M but whenever I go in I cant seem to find it which sucks especially if you really like it. I managed to spend quite a bit of money in there the other day which is strange. I bought 5 items. All of the above in the picture. I did also buy the peach colour of the top but the H&M didnt have this available online for me to take a picture. Its awkward for me to take pictures of my own clothes as my room is bright pink and I dont have space to actually lay out clothes for pictures so I hope you all dont mind that I have used the above pictures. These tops are a bargain for £7.99. They are great quality and again have the holes in them which make a nice design throughout the top. Its an oversized top. I bought a Small and this size is just perfect. If I went for a medium to make it more baggy I would have felt a lot bigger wearing it so Im happy with the size.

I also got a black blouse with a sheer piece at the end and it is like a dip hem. Its beautiful but yet again no picture on the website.

I will try to get pictures of it myself but like I have mentioned it is really awkward. Im sure I will have it on soon enough anyway to pop up a picture.



  1. Those tops are really pretty, I like the pink and black ones! Perfect for summer(If summer ever arrives).

    Laura xx

    1. you should see the peach one its gorgeous :)
      haha well by the looks of things its arrived in Glasgow today finally!!


  2. cute t-shirts, may have to pick up the minty one :) x

  3. I have these in the pink and peach too! I also bought a plain white one in the same kind of style but without the pattern :)

    Chelle x

    1. so lovely and a at a bargain price :)! x


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Ashton x