An official introduction to my son Logan!

Hello lovelies :)

I thought it was about time to finally introduce my beautiful son Logan into the blogging world and finally be able to call myself a ' Mummy Blogger ' Yipee.

Well anyway I will tell you all a little bit about how it all happened ( NOT THE BIRDS AND THE BEES HAHA )
I fell pregnant when I was 17. I thought it was a bad age to fall pregnant but really its not. I feel I can grow up with him and I love being a young mum. I gave birth to him when I had just turned 18. He was born on September 16th 2008 ( wasnt due till 18th ) but my waters broke 6 weeks early OOPSIE. I never even noticed! So I had a lot of problems during the birth. The poor soul was distressed and I was taken for an emergency section after 16 hours of attempted labour - YUCK THE PAIN WAS HORRIFIC! Im glad it turned out to be a section anyway thank god.
He was born at 11.29am and to be honest, yes this was the happiest moment of my life. My mum was my birthing partner as my ex boyfriend didnt want anything to do with the pregnancy or Logan - and still doesnt! Oh well it is his loss.
Logan has a rare condition called Neurofibromatosis Type 1, which means attending the childrens hospital every so often to make sure he is okay. The conditon gives him birthmarks but these are no harm to him - he is still beautiful! He is now wearing glasses due to the condition affecting his eyesite but this is only temporary but he loves them anyway as they have scooby doo on them. To be quite honest, I struggle to get the time to blog but when I do I make the most of it so if there are no new posts for a wee while then thats why.

Heres a few piccies of him - handsome eh? Hes always asking what Im doing when Im doing posts so thought I would share him with the rest of you! He is now harrassing me asking when it is his turn to go on the laptop haha.



  1. Aww this is so lovely :) I love reading mummy posts, i think you keep this up! The link for the blog hop is

    Have a browse through and add some other mummy blogs, its surprising how many people you with have things in common with! :) xx

    1. Thankyou<3 I still havent came across many mummy bloggers :O xxx

  2. Oh god, sorry loads of typos in that post oops! haha! xxx

  3. Aww this is such a lovely post. You guys are obviously much better off without your ex.

    Gorgeous little boy!

    Lola ..x

  4. Thankyou! yeah we really are arent we :)


  5. I'm definitely better off without my ex husband that's for sure haha!

    1. husband :o oh no no nooo it cost too much to get out of being married Im def staying clear of that route lol! x


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Ashton x